9 julio 1999
1999, Julio

Judge’s decision-making from within

The First Joint Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society and the European Association of Psychology and Law, Dublin.
8 julio 1999
1999, Julio

In search of the causes of real and mock witness identification lineups

The First Joint Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society and the European Association of Psychology and Law, Dublin.
15 septiembre 1998
1998, Septiembre

The assessment of information integration theory and confirmatory bias hypothesis on judicial proceedings. A case of rape and murder

8th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Krakow.
14 septiembre 1998
1998, Septiembre

Identification line-ups: Laboratory versus real-life context

8th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Krakow.
13 septiembre 1998
1998, Septiembre

El papel de los estereotipos en la identificación

Congreso “Crimes Ibéricos”, Braga, Portugal.
12 septiembre 1998
1998, Septiembre

La selección de los jurados: Aspectos psicológicos y legales

Congreso “Crimes Ibéricos”, Braga, Portugal.
11 septiembre 1998
1998, Septiembre

En busca de las causas de la irresolubilidad de las decisiones de los jurados legos

Congreso “Crimes Ibéricos”, Braga, Portugal.
16 septiembre 1997
1997, Septiembre

Underlying mechanisms of juror and judge judgment making

7th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Stockholm.
17 julio 1997
1997, Julio

Trial by lineups, are they really efficient?

6th Biennial Meeting on Social Justice Research, Postdam.
20 agosto 1996
1996, Agosto

The influence of gender and learning on anxiety towards computers

International Journal of Psychology, 31(3-4), 352. XXVIth International Congress of Psychology, Montreal.
19 agosto 1996
1996, Agosto

Cognitive activity in sentencing

VIth European Conference on Psychology and Law, Siena.
1 agosto 1996
1996, Agosto

In search of causes of hung juries

International Journal of Psychology, 31(3-4), 465. XXVIth International Congress of Psychology, Montreal.