Unity of Forensic Psychology
It was created by the Faculty of Psychology on the 15th May 2002.
The Unity of Forensic Psychology of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela was created by the Faculty of Psychology on the 15th May 2002, after the agreement of the Governing Board of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), of the 28th February 2002. The Psychology Service of the USC includes the Unity of Forensic Psychology, which main objective is “to promote the education, research and transfer of knowledge of the applied areas of Psychology, offering to the University community and to the society a specialised and quality service (Article 1 from the Psychology Service Regulation).
Our team
Ramón Arce
Head of the Unit of Forensic Psychology.
Editor in Chief of the “European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context”.
Jéssica Sanmarco
Verónica Marcos
FPU - Ministry of Culture and Sport and dependent and associated bodies
Francisca Fariña
Universidade de Vigo
Mª José Vázquez
Universidade de Vigo
Carmen González
Unit of Forensic Psychology (USC)
Alfonso Luis Palmer
University of Balearic Islands
Bárbara González Amado
University of Zaragoza
Candela Gracia
Universidad Pablo Olavide
Ismael Eduardo Pérez
Colegio Oficial de Psicología de Tenerife
Enrique Vázquez Justo
Universidade Portucalense (Portugal)
Sara Margarida Soares Ramos
Universidade Portucalense (Portugal)