
7 October 2021

Asistencia psicológica forense para la administración de justicia de Galicia.

Realización de informes periciales psicológicos en procesos de evaluación y credibilidad de testimonios en causas penales: Procesos de derecho de familia que medie la violencia de género. Empresa/institución: Vicepresidencia y Consejería de Presidencia. Xunta de Galicia. IP: Ramón Arce. Investigadores Grupo de Investigación 1754 (Unidad de Psicología Forense).
7 October 2021

Programa Galicia de reeducación para maltratadores de género

Consellería de Presidencia, Administracións Públicas e Xustiza. Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela. Investigadores Grupo de Investigación 1754 (Unidad de Psicología Forense).
7 October 2021

Programa “Ruptura de parella, non de Familia”

Concello de Santiago de Compostela. Investigador Principal: Ramón Arce Fernández (2004-2013). IP: Ramón Arce. Investigadores Grupo de Investigación 1754 (Unidad de Psicología Forense).
1 June 2021

Guide for the implementation and improvement in the application of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in victims of gender-based violence

This guide has been created with the contributions made by women victims of gender-based violence, who have been given a voice in the framework of a collaborative research oriented towards the identification of practices for improving attention and assistance, guided by Therapeutic Jurisprudence.
16 February 2021

Optimization of the forensic psychological judicial test in cases of crimes committed in the private sphere.

16 February 2021

Promotion of mediation as a welfare policy for adults and minors

16 February 2021

Therapeutic Justice Conference

16 February 2021

Scientific Training Day

16 February 2021

XII (Inter) National Congress of Legal and Forensic Psychology

16 February 2021

Global Evaluation System

16 February 2021

UPF Technique for Family Issues

16 February 2021