International communications

18 April 1996
1996, Agosto

From juror to jury memory of the evidence

6th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Siena.
1 April 1996
1996, Agosto

Cognition and judicial decision making

International Journal of Psychology, 31(3-4), 93. XXVIth International Congress of Psychology, Montreal.
3 September 1995
1995, Septiembre

Jury decision rule: An empirical study of four methods

En V European Conference on Law and Psychology. Abstracts. Budapest: Ministry of Justice, Hungarian Prison Administration.
2 September 1995
1995, Septiembre

Impact on verdict of gender homogeneous juries in a case of rape

En V European Conference on Law and Psychology. Abstracts. Budapest: Ministry of Justice, Hungarian Prison Administration.
4 June 1995
1995, Junio

The mixed or escabinato jury vs. the lay jury: A critical analysis

VTh International Conference on Social Justice Research, Reno.
5 April 1995
1995, Abril

Reducing anxiety towards computers through specific courses

VIIth European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, Györ.
7 July 1994
1994, Julio

La adquisición de conocimientos informáticos como posible reductor de la ansiedad hacia los ordenadores

I Congreso Internacional de Psicología Conductual. La Coruña.
6 July 1994
1994, Julio

Jury selection procedures. A new approach

23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology (pp. 318-319). Madrid: IIAP.
5 April 1994
1994, Abril

A preliminary research of mixed juries

IVth European Conference on Law and Psychology, Barcelona.
8 September 1993

Adolescencia y ansiedad hacia los ordenadores

Xornadas Internacionais de Psicoloxía, Ourense.
9 April 1993
1993, Abril

Computerization and job satisfaction

VI European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, Alicante.
11 September 1992
1992, Septiembre

Verdicts of psychosocially biased juries

2nd European Conference on Law and Psychology, Nürnberg.